Sunday, December 25, 2011

Every You, Every Me by David Levithan

Every You, Every Me by David Levithan is a good and mysterious book. Evan loses Ariel, his best friend. He blames himself for it even though he knows he did the right thing. One day as he's walking home he finds an envelope on the ground. He knows it's none of his business but he's curious so he opens it up. Inside he finds a picture. The next day he finds another picture, this time it's of him. He goes on this wild goose chase finding the spots in the photos and receiving more photos trying to figure out who it is and why they are doing this to him. Read this exciting novel to find out who's sending him the letters and why.
Every You, Every Me by David Levithan is a good and mysterious book. I thought it was kind of weird in the beginning because of all the crossed out parts but then I got used to it. It seemed to me that Evan was starting to go crazy if he wasn't already because of everything that had and was happening. I was confused for most of the book and wondering what had happened to Ariel. In the end you find out and it makes things so much clearer. All in all I thought it was pretty good but kind of confusing too.

Reviewer Age:13
Reviewer City, State and Country: Sandy, Oregon U.S.A