Thursday, September 02, 2010

Kakapo Rescue by Sy Montgomery

"Kakapo Rescue" by Sy Montgomery boasts of its saving the world's strangest parrot. Terribly endangered, the bird is flightless and burrows holes in the ground at night. Okay--pretty strange. The science behind the bird is given in some biological detail that is not too hard for younger readers to grasp. Biographies and anecdotes of volunteers are given. Processes like finding / tracking the birds, as well as feeding and nursing from birth are expounded upon.

This book is great for any animal lover. While the main focus is on the kakapo, other creatures in New Zealand are gone over. The pictures are amazing in their clarity. They show both the animals and the science behind the volunteer methods. Suitable for all ages, this book will definitely teach readers something new about a parrot they probably didn't even know existed.

Reviewer Age:19
Reviewer City, State and Country: Staten Island, NY USA