Monday, June 08, 2009

One Lonely Degree by C. K. Kelly Martin

Change is gradual, and for Finn, she can never remember when everything was exactly right. She can'' remember when her parents started to fight and she doesn't recall ever being normal in school. But when Jersy (her best friend from age six) moves back into town, things start to change. Finn finally starts to like him when her best friend, Audrey, starts dating him. They date for the remainder of sophomore year, but when Audrey leaves for the summer, Finn gets closer and closer to Jersy no matter how much she didn't want to.

This is a book of love and loss, a book that depicts the teenage life of a high-school girl and a book that I couldn't put down. This is a book written for and about teenage girls. Finn experiences some of the problems that girls have today and for girls to able to read about it will give them something to connect with. I liked this book so much and didn't put it down until I was finished. So, pick up One Lonely Degreeand read about Finn's adventures through her high school experience. Reviewer Age:13
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