Wednesday, June 13, 2007

QUAD by C.G. Watson

Quad is a gripping thriller by C.G. Watson. An unknown shooter is shooting out in the school quad while six students; Ranger, Christopher, Ken, Sage, Maggie, and Calvin are hiding in the student store. The book is about the events leading up to this shooting and how a person can only stand so much pressure before they snap. The book is written in first person point of view and deals with the perspectives of students from six different cliques in their high school; freaks, jocks, preps, techies, drama queens, and choirboys. Each chapter deals with a different clique, alternating between the cliques and the quad.

In my opinion, Quad is a remarkable book that showcases raw feelings and expressions. It portrays the pain and grief some cliques inflict upon others and shows what can happen when a bottle of emotions inside a person pops. I thought that the book was very moving and illustrated just how cruel people can be, how sometimes people can be heartless and completely unsympathetic. The book itself was very well written and had a suspense to it that kept you reading until the very end. The only part of the book that was a little disappointing for me was the ending. I think that C.G. Watson should have showed us the feelings of each clique once they found out who the killer was and who died. That would have made the ending a bit more complete, even though it was already pretty good. Overall, the book was a wonderful eye-opening read that everyone should read, at least everyone old and mature enough.

The language is strong and isn't appropriate for some ages.

Reviewer Age:12
Reviewer City, State and Country: Champaign, Illinois USA