Thursday, May 17, 2007

The One Left Behind by Willo Davis Roberts

Eleven year old Mandy has just lost her sister Angel. She is all alone in her house except for her big, black, and hairy dog Herry. Together they struggle to remain happy and they find themselves pretending Angel is still there. Then things really start to get different when she meets Zander Vyland and his little brother Dusty. Mandy decides to help them because two other men are going to try to kill Zander, or hold Dusty for ransom. She helps them escape the men and eventually discovers that she will never be alone, even without her sister alive.

This book was a very quick book to read because it only had 140 pages. It wasn't really a page turner, however, I finished it in almost one sitting. The story kept you wondering what would happen next because of the different plot line. I also found myself worried about the characters and wondering if they would ever be alright. Sometimes I found it hard to remember which character was which because there were many mentioned in a short time, but other than that it was a great book. The story took two major problems that don't even relate and put them together. I plan on reading other books by Willo Davis Roberts in hope of finding more like this one.

Reviewer Age:13
Reviewer City, State and Country: Carlisle, Pa United States of America