Sunday, May 08, 2005

Dragon's Hoard- A Knight's Story

Free Lance has left all of the tournaments behind, to work as a Free Lance. He has found a job to protect a wealthy merchant's goods. Yet, on his way to the merchant's town, something very odd happens. The merchant's horse, gets killed, and dragged away by a very large animal. The merchant is sure that this is the work of an evil dragon, but the knight isn't convinced. Only when he gets his pay from the merchant, and follows towns people to a women tied against a rock as a sort of sacrifice to the dragon, does he finally believe that this dragon may not be a legend after all.

This book was very good, but very short. I think that this book would be great for younger elementary school children. The authors wrote this book in a funny, sort of childish way, adding to the suggestion that this book is for younger elementary children. They made quick decisions that were risky, and made you move to the edge of your chair. This book was very good, but would be even better, if it were longer.

Rating: 8

Reviewed by Flamingnet student reviewer.